Yidi Campbell (B'08)
Founder & CEO, Indyx
Yidi Campbell is the founder and CEO of Indyx, a digital platform that helps people catalog, curate, and control what’s in their closet. Indyx’s collective wardrobes have become disposable. Campbell is building Indyx to transform people’s relationship with their closet by giving them unprecedented visibility, while delivering hyper-personalized curation and effortless connections to maximize the potential of what people already own.
A fashion enthusiast, Campbell lived through endless trend cycles to find herself overwhelmed and overshopped. She has long been a resale advocate, but is keenly aware of its limitations to only partially relieve the symptoms of overconsumption. To solve everyone’s “I have a closet full of clothes and still have nothing to wear” conundrum, Campbell believes that people must empower consumers to make better purchase decisions and that or fashion to be more satisfying and sustainable, people must become more intentional—and it starts with Indyx.
For Campbell, the founding of Indyx was not just personal, but also the culmination of a long career on the business side of fashion that started with investment banking for retailers and consumer brands at Credit Suisse, that most recently took her to lead corporate development at Gap Inc. and strategy at Athleta.
Campbell holds a Bachelor of Arts from Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business. She currently resides in San Francisco, California, with her husband Jaydon, 4-year-old son Sebastian, and a doodle named Maxie.